This document will show you how to stake AVAIL using the Earning feature in Avail Space.
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This document will show you how to stake AVAIL using the Earning feature in Avail Space.
Last updated
Depending on the amount of AVAIL you have in your wallet, you can choose to stake via Nomination pool or Direct nomination. They are both integral parts of the staking process in the Avail network. However, they serve slightly different purposes and involve distinct mechanisms:
Staking via a nomination pool allows smaller stakeholders to pool their resources together in a pool to compete with larger stakeholders and increase their chances of being selected to validate transactions and earn rewards. Anyone with a minimum of 100 AVAIL in an Avail DA compatible wallet can stake via this option.
With nomination pools, the pool owner and pool nominator are in charge of nominating validators on behalf of all the pool members, reducing the time and overhead necessary to participate in nomination.
Currently, you can only stake to one pool at a time. If you want to join another pool, you need to unstake all your funds in the initial pool and wait 28 days for the unstaking period to end, and then you can withdraw the unstaked funds and stake into another pool.
Unlike nomination pool, staking via direct nomination is the process of selecting validators you wish to stake your DOT to (also known as nominating). You can choose to nominate up to 16 validators for each of your accounts to participate in the network's consensus mechanism and earn rewards. Anyone with a minimum of 1000 AVAIL in an Avail DA compatible wallet can stake via this option.
With direct nomination staking, once you have nominated your selected validators, they become your nominations. As long as at least one of your nominations is actively validating in a session, your funds will be backing that validator. While staking, you can switch validators without having to unstake your funds.